That is a picture of the scales of justice. After trials, when the jury still hasn't reached a decision and everyone is limbo the judge will sometimes ask the accused and the plaintiff to each sit on one side of the scale of justice. The side that dangles lower wins and the person(s) on the other side are executed in a public square. It seems crude, but it's worked in this country for centuries.
Unfortunately for most of, we don't have access to the scales of justice, at least not a scale big enough to way some of our decisions we are forced to make in life. And even if we did, would we really want to publically execute the losing option? And just how do you execute the choice of pizza for supper after opting to go with Abner's? See, predicaments.
I've always been told that when you are young, there's really no wrong choice. One may be more right than the other, but we learn and grow from our mistakes...allegedly. Now, those of us that don't have to wear a permanent bib and who's foreheads aren't enlarged know this isn't true. One choice is usually right, and one is wrong. But, how do you decide? What is weighted higher...happiness or money, quick career advancement or good comfortable environment, peanut butter or jelly? Choices.
I am faced with several choices right now in my life that deal with all of these, especially whether I want peanut butter or jelly. The point is, it's hard to choose things in life that when weighed out on the scales of justice would come up almost equal. Some of have their good, and some have their bad. How do you decide? It's your life, so do you really want to let it ride on "eeny meeny miney mo" or a coin flip? I guess it all depends.
So, y'all say a little prayer for baby Nathan that he makes the right decisions.
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